Enter Fabrique Kairos universe
Imagine Marseille soap with natural ingredient and gemstone that work in harmony in order to provide high wellness properties. Two-in-one care at the same time.
The body (soap)
The spirit (gemstone).
As the soap gets exhausted you can notice the gemstone is appearing.
Then you keep the gemstone for life and reload it with energy whenever it’s must be.
What an exilir of life !
All our soap are designed in the way of giving you the most fulfilling ritual. Taking a shower becomes a special moment of kindness for the body as well as the spirit.
Lavender, asses’milk, green clay are carefully settled on their natural properties that make the skin baby-soft.
Rock crystal, Tiger eye, Amethyst are carefully settled on their energy properties that make the spirit appeased.
The perfect combination between natural ingredients and gemstones makes the fullfiment peak.
Just enjoy it !